Thursday, December 30, 2010

Starting Stats - 12/30/2010

Hopped on the Wii balance board today to find out exactly what I'm dealing with here (lol). I wasn't surprised by my weight, but I was surprised by my BMI.

Weight - 158 lbs
BMI - 30.85

FYI - A BMI over 30 = obese.


Wednesday, December 29, 2010

My Story

My name is Amy, I'm a 31 yr old mom of two and I'm overweight. Bigtime! Before my first daughter I was a size 4. Now I think I'm about a 12 or even 14. Ugh, this is embarassing, but it's my starting point and hopefully I'll never be this big again. Anyway, how I got here... during my first pregnancy I gained close to 50 lbs and while I was able to lose 30 lbs shortly after having my baby, I slowly gained a lot of it back due to lack of exercise and poor eating habits. Then 3 years later I got pregnant with baby #2 and I managed to keep my weight gain within 30 lbs this time, but the weight I did put on, added to the extra weight I was carrying before has left me very close to obesity. I am unhealthy and I feel like crap. My clothes fit like sausage casing! Gross!! Anyway, starting today I'm going to stop my b!tching and do something about it!

My first goal is to lose 15 lbs by my birthday (March 12). So that gives me two and a half months to get there. I'm going to exercise and cut down on the sweets. I'm addicted to chocolate, so this might will be rough. But I'm not going on a diet. I'm just going to eat smarter and eat less. As for the exercise, I've got my Wii Fit, and my husband's gym membership that he never uses so I'm going to use them both and come up with a routine that works for me.

So that's a bit about me and what I'm doing. I'm blogging about it because it makes me feel accountable and therefore I'm more likely to stick to it. So here goes nothing!!