Friday, January 7, 2011

Down 2 lbs!

I hopped on the scale this morning and I'm down two pounds! YAY!! Having gotten rid of *most* of the junk food in the house has helped a lot!! Next year I'll ask Santa to go easy on the chocolate because if it's in the house I HAVE to eat it. And I'm squeezing in walks when I can. I'm definitely feeling better about myself already, hopefully that'll keep me going!

Our last 2 Christmas celebrations are this weekend. That means turkey supper on Saturday and then again on Sunday. I love me some turkey!! But I'll go easy on the gravy and desserts :) I find that drinking lots and lots of water during the day helps me out because I feel full sooner than I would if I hadn't been drinking water. So I've got to keep that up!

I'm feeling scattered this morning, so accept my apologies if this seems hard to read. I've got my sister's 4 kids here every morning and evening and while they're great kids and I love them, having 4 extra mouths asking me for things pretty much constantly, I get a little scattered feeling and can't focus all that well. Right now the youngest one is hovering because she wants breakfast. Darn kid, can't you see I'm busy here? Lol!! Ok, off to go be a good auntie. I hope everyone has a lovely weekend :)

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Why Santa, Why?

Santa brought me a truckload of chocolate... it's my weakness. I've been limiting myself to just a bit here and there, but I can't wait until it's gone! I even gave some of it away!! There's nothing wrong with re-gifting if the person likes it, right? Lol!

I went for a walk with my 4yr old yesterday. She was going stir-crazy and driving me a bit crazy so off we went. It was a lot of fun! We played tag (yes, I ran!) and walked through the cemetary, we collected sticks and pine cones which we glued to paper to made a beautiful nature picture. We even stopped in and visited with one of her little friends who lives a few streets over. So yay!!

That's about all I have to say today. I'm going to weigh myself tomorrow morning and see if I've made any progress in my journey to hotness :)

And I want to give a shout out to my followers. You make me feel so loved. Thank you :)