Sunday, January 2, 2011

Why Santa, Why?

Santa brought me a truckload of chocolate... it's my weakness. I've been limiting myself to just a bit here and there, but I can't wait until it's gone! I even gave some of it away!! There's nothing wrong with re-gifting if the person likes it, right? Lol!

I went for a walk with my 4yr old yesterday. She was going stir-crazy and driving me a bit crazy so off we went. It was a lot of fun! We played tag (yes, I ran!) and walked through the cemetary, we collected sticks and pine cones which we glued to paper to made a beautiful nature picture. We even stopped in and visited with one of her little friends who lives a few streets over. So yay!!

That's about all I have to say today. I'm going to weigh myself tomorrow morning and see if I've made any progress in my journey to hotness :)

And I want to give a shout out to my followers. You make me feel so loved. Thank you :)


  1. You're already hot, so goal reached?

    I'll take the Mars bars! And yay for running around with Addison. That's bound to be draining.

  2. I love the shout out! I love you!

    Don't give Chris the Mars Bar! Send it my way!

  3. Go you Amy!!!
    I really need to jump on this bandwagon also... I want to look GOOD by my birthday in March. Need to start the 30's off right :)
    Miss you lady!

  4. Amy, if you don't want the chocolate, I'll take some! :) xoxo
